Sixth Grade: Middle School Survival Manual
During our sixth grade event in September we handed out copies of "The Middle School Survival Manual" (If you didn't get one our office has a few extra copies...or you can click the link and order one) and encouraged families to create a goal for the next year. This could be anything from going to church more...finding time to go over highs and lows...reading the Bible had to be faith related. How's that going? Ok...let's be forgot about it...and most likely that book that your kids were so excited to get is probably wedged under the couch (At least it's keeping you from sitting on a wobbly couch!) Here's the thing...dig that book back out...have a family meeting...and set a goal. Why not start with trying the Faith 5 for 4 weeks? That's an easy goal to set...and complete! Take it a step further Friends Chapter 6 of the Middle School Survival Manual is all about Friendships. Read this chapter together and talk to your kids about how they are relating to other kids at their school. Encourage your youth to think about the people who they spend the most time with. Are these people good friends? How can you return the favor and be a good friend in return? Check the In Person Opportunities and consider inviting a new friend to a church event! |
Seventh Grade: NRSV Lutheran Study Bible
EVERY YOUTH IN 7th GRADE AND OLDER SHOULD HAVE ONE OF THESE. If you for some reason did not receive a Lutheran Study Bible click here to contact Paul Goodman and get one! How do you use this together as a family? First off...DON'T TRY TO DO THIS EVERY DAY. PICK 3 nights a week...put them on everyone's calendar...spend 15 minutes tops doing this. You can make time for it! And honestly, this time together, while potentially a struggle at first can shift into a meaningful experience for all involved. Step one: Find a time and place to read the bible together. While you probably have a routine of reading the Christmas Story on Christmas Eve you may not even know where to start on a regular Tuesday night! Here's Three Ideas 1) Re-visit the text from Sunday Morning. 2) Read the stories that youth are studying in Confirmation. 3) Pick up a devotional booklet at church...we have several available on the welcome center. These have small devotional readings, along with a biblical text suggestion. Step 2: Read the text together. Do not try to read LONG passages...rather focus on a small amount. use the above resources for ideas. Step 3: Pass the reading around. If you have a family with teens and small children, consider switching between NRSV Bible and a Story Bible on different nights. Have youth read the stories to their younger siblings. Step 4: Talk about the passage. Consider what happened in the story...and what it means. If you are reading the current confirmation lesson consider answering some of the forum questions as a family. |